Heritage Education and Digital Technologies

The annual 2nd level Postgraduate Course “Heritage Education and Digital Technologies” in partnership with the Università degli Studi “Alma Mater” di Bologna is targeted to who intend to deepen both – in a theoretical and practical manner – all the issues related to:
  • Strategies and Teaching Methodologies for artistic and cultural heritage;
  • Technologies applied to promotion and communication;
  • Evaluation and assessment of cultural heritage;
  • Management and technological experience innovations in cultural heritage.
The course will focus especially on topics related to the development of well-being and transverse skills targeted to different types of museum visitors.

The contents and goals of the Course match with the professional profile of the Museum Educator as outlined by: the Charter of Museum Professions (ICOM, 2005; Museum professions – a European frame of reference, 2008) the Charter of the Museum Professions and Functions given the Reform of National Museums (ICOM, 2017).

During the teaching and experimental activities, the students will carry out their experimental research project. They will also be involved in the design and use of survey tools and in the data collection, as well as application of the knowledge and skills acquired during the course.

Lectures, workshops, laboratories and distance learning activities are held by national and international experts.

Our students will have the opportunity to study with relevant experts from: Loughborough University, Simon Fraser University, Open University, Universidade Aberta, CFUL – University of Lisbon, University of Bamberg, Istitut Catholique de France, UCL University, National Gallery of Art (Washington D.C.), John Hopkins University, Polytechnic of Milan, MU.MA., Columbia University, University College London, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The lectures will be held in DL (Distance Learning), with the possibility of synchronous and asynchronous streaming.

Dipartimento di educazione e scienze umane: Viale Timavo, 93 – 42121, Reggio Emilia, Italy

June, 20th 2022 – December, 31st 2022

To complete the Post-graduate course, the students must produce a final dissertation that will be presented and discussed in front of an international board examination.

Holders of the following qualifications can apply for the Postagraduate Master:

  • All Master’s Degrees obtained pursuant to the D.M. n. 270 of 22 October 2004;
  • All the Master’s Degrees obtained pursuant to the D.M. n. 509 of 3 November 1999;
  • All the Degrees obtained in accordance with the system prior to the D.M n. 509 of 3 November 1999 (old system)


It is possible to apply for the Course with a qualification obtained abroad – recognized as suitable for the purposes of participation in the master – relating to the qualifications listed above.

The seats available for the the 2nd Level Postgraduate Master are 100.

The selection is based on qualifications and will be made according to the following criteria:

  • degree score;
  • additional qualifications (masters, advanced courses, training courses);
  • work experience in the museum field;
  • certificates of knowledge of the English language;
  • certificates of knowledge of other foreign languages;
  • IT (Information Technology) skills certifications;
  • publications in volume and in journals


The final score will be the result of the sum of the following parameters:

  • degree score: max 12 points (= 110 cum laude) (110 = 11 points; 109 = 10.9 points and so on)
  • additional titles: 1 point for each title for a maximum of 4 points
  • work experience in the museum sector: 6 points
  • English language certifications: B2 = 0.5 points; C1 = 1 point; C2 = 1.5 points
    other language certifications: B2 = 0.5 points; C1 = 1 point; C2 = 1.5 points
  • IT skills certifications: max 1 point
  • publications (journals with ISSN or monographs / book chapters with ISBN): max 4

€ 2,000.00, divided into two installments.

First installment: 1,000.00 euros (payment deadline: June, 17th 2022); Second installment: 1,000.00 euros (payment deadline: October, 31st 2022)

€ 500.00 Auditor registration fee (in a single payment by June, 17th 2022)


60 CFU


1 Year




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David Guralnick

David Guralnick holds a Ph.D. from Northwestern University, where his work synthesized concepts from the fields of computer science and artificial intelligence, instructional design, and cognitive psychology. His work synthesizes concepts from several fields with the goal of using new technology to create immersive experiences that reimagine education and training. Over the past 30 years, he has designed and evaluated a variety of simulation-based training applications, performance support systems, online courses, mobile applications, and authoring tools for corporate, non-profit, and university audiences.
Dr. Guralnick is President and CEO of New York-based Kaleidoscope Learning; President of the International E-Learning Association (IELA) and founding chair of the International E-Learning Awards program; an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University; a regular keynote speaker at international conferences; founder and chair of The Learning Ideas Conference, (formerly the International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW)); Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC); and was founding chair of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)’s New York E-learning Special Interest Group.  His work has been featured in Wired magazine, Trainingmagazine (as an Editor’s Choice), and the Wall Street Journal, and he is the recipient of numerous e-learning design awards.