News and events

Workshop 16-9-2022 call

È con vero piacere che vi invitiamo a partecipare al primo Evento Moltiplicatore del progetto europeo Erasmus+ KA220 Inclusive Memory destinato ad operatori del settore

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Workshop 16-9-2022

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the first Multiplier Event of the European Erasmus+ KA220 project “Inclusive Memory” addressed

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EDEN Research Workshop

EDEN Research Workshop: Towards Smart and Inclusive Learning Ecosystem, Dubrovnik, 19-20 September Call for papers: Papers submission due by July, 30th 2022 More info at:

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Lorem ipsum sit dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis

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Inclusive Memory
2 years ago

«As educators, we have the duty to support people adapting to the continuous changes in society brought by technology innovations.»

Dr. Kinga Petrovai in conversation with Dr. Antonella Poce at the
"The Learning Ideas Conference, 2022".

Check out the whole interview 👇

2 years ago

Interesting classes on the "ways of seeing" by John Berger ❤️; BBC.
1 on 4

2 years ago

🎺 join us at the:


Inclusive memory

*Rome, Istituto ISTC-CNR, P.le Aldo Moro, 7*

*16th Spet. 2022, h 15:30 — 17:30*

The #Inclusive #Memory #workshop will reflect on how to promote #health and #wellbeing within museum users through #cultural #heritage.

The event is addressed to future museum professionals, #social #care-givers, #school #teachers and #healthcare personnel, who will be asked to join a 2 hours #workshop to discuss new innovative ways to design and evaluate #museums educational experinces. Through #collaborative activities, the workshop will focus on the use of #OERs (Open Educational Resources), #digital #education and #innovative #learning #methodologies; the design of original art #educational #experiences; the involvement and the #inclusion of #marginalized social groups; the promotion of #participatory #practices within museum context.

The event is realized within the Inclusive Memory project (#erasmusplus KA 220), whose findings will be presented during the workshop.

The event is organized by @unimore_official in parternship with @interaliango


2 years ago

Archeoplastica: about plastic, about seas, about pollution, about archeology.
A fascinating project on a distinguishing feature of our contemporary age

2 years ago

Drawing from the past, new glimpses of the present: Lectio Degasperiana. Reflections on one of the great founders of Europe 🇪🇺 ❤️

2 years ago

Printing, Etching, Making!
Kids engaged in a hands-on workshop, to make them discover the wonderful world of printing 😍

👏 a great initiative by Museum Plantin-Moretus

2 years ago

Forbidden NOT to touch! 🚫
A tactile experience
Here’s what @museodellecivilta is testing in terms of accessibility for the visual impaired.

#museum #art #innovation #sustainability #inclusion #memory #health #wellbeing #culture #mask #africanculture #tactileexploration #experience #disability

Have a look at our research:

2 years ago

2 years ago

IM: sharing experiences, sharing memory ❤️

Flat line vector created by vectorjuice -

2 years ago

IM: sharing experiences, sharing memory ❤️

Flat line vector created by vectorjuice -

2 years ago

Inclusive Memory

2 years ago

Inclusive Memory


The creation of these resources has been funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000031991. Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.​

David Guralnick

David Guralnick holds a Ph.D. from Northwestern University, where his work synthesized concepts from the fields of computer science and artificial intelligence, instructional design, and cognitive psychology. His work synthesizes concepts from several fields with the goal of using new technology to create immersive experiences that reimagine education and training. Over the past 30 years, he has designed and evaluated a variety of simulation-based training applications, performance support systems, online courses, mobile applications, and authoring tools for corporate, non-profit, and university audiences.
Dr. Guralnick is President and CEO of New York-based Kaleidoscope Learning; President of the International E-Learning Association (IELA) and founding chair of the International E-Learning Awards program; an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University; a regular keynote speaker at international conferences; founder and chair of The Learning Ideas Conference, (formerly the International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW)); Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC); and was founding chair of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)’s New York E-learning Special Interest Group.  His work has been featured in Wired magazine, Trainingmagazine (as an Editor’s Choice), and the Wall Street Journal, and he is the recipient of numerous e-learning design awards.